Find food freedom for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and the whole family.

Leave dieting behind forever

Heal your relationship with food. Nourish your body.

And go into the next stage of life with a lifestyle you’re proud to pass on. 

Using intuitive eating techniques and body image healing strategies we can support full body health from the inside out that lasts and actually improves fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum outcomes (and beyond!).

If you are:

-Struggling with an eating disorder

-Ready to quit the diet cycle

-Looking to stress less about food

-Striving to role model a different way of eating for your kids

-Wanting to support your health without obsessing about the scale

Then you’ve come to the right place.

Work With Me


Want to learn how you could be using nutrition to maximize your fertility?


Struggling with eating for a changing body, appetite, symptoms, and looking to learn how to adapt to “eating for two”?


Feeling like a stranger in your body but trying not to succumb to dieting?

Want your kids to follow a different path with food?


Hi there, I’m Alexandra

Nothing energizes me more than helping a mama or mama-to-be experience the joy of finding food freedom, healing disordered eating, and ditching dieting for good. It’s the best gift you can give your kiddos, and it’s the gift that you deserve to give yourself.


My Story





Personalized Care

You deserve a customized plan to help you reach your nutrition goals, in each stage from preconception to postpartum and beyond.

Learn More

Questions? Let’s Chat!


My mission is to give you the tools and the support that allow you to THRIVE and BLOOM.


Get in Touch