Nutrition Coaching

In all stages we will work together to:

Meet your nourishment needs to support your body’s unique requirements
Make peace with food so you can stop dieting or disordered behaviors and actually enjoy eating
Heal body image struggles so you can live your best life


Fertility + Hormone Health

How could you be nourishing to maximize your fertility?


Are you eating enough to support your hormones?

Pregnancy + Postpartum

Struggling with eating for a changing body?


How do you nourish your body as a new mom to be healthy without dieting?


Family Nutrition


Want to raise kids to be confident eaters without food issues?


Need help navigating supporting a child who might have an eating disorder?


Fertility + Hormone Health


You want to make sure that you are doing every possible thing to support your hormone health and fertility and you’re overwhelmed.

But what if the diets, compulsive exercise, or weight obsession were hindering instead of helping?

We will work together to:

  • Meet your nourishment needs to support optimal fertility whether that means a natural cycle or fertility interventions
  • Heal disordered eating or eating disorders to prepare for a healthy pregnancy or optimal hormone health
  • Stop putting more stress on your body via diets and overexercise (and how to identify if this is happening to you)
  • Learn how to nourish an adolescent body to support hormones and development
  • Manage conditions (without dieting) such as: 
    • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)
    • Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
    • Endometriosis
    • Thyroid conditions
Let’s Get Started

Pregnancy  + Postpartum


You’re pregnant, now what?  

How do you eat to support the baby while dealing with body image issues and anxiety about how to eat “perfectly”? And how should your eating change postpartum??

We will work together to:

  • Meet nourishment needs for pregnancy and support your body in gaining the weight it needs to
  • Heal disordered eating or eating disorders to support a healthy pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
  • Navigate body image and continue to nourish as your body changes in pregnancy and postpartum
  • Eat to support postpartum recovery and energy levels as a new mom
  • Manage conditions or symptoms (without dieting) such as:
    • Gestational Diabetes
    • Anemia
    • Food aversions or cravings
    • Breastfeeding a baby with allergies


Let’s Get Started

Family Nutrition


Whether its’s picky kids, chaotic schedules, or your own complicated relationship with food… feeding a family is HARD. You want to avoid the mistakes of your own parents and and create a better family eating environment for your kids. 

We will work together to:

  • Cultivate your healthy relationship with food to role model for your family
  • Navigate picky eating with kids
  • Create a system to maximize time and fit food into your busy family schedule
  • Have the tools to support a child with an eating disorder
  • Help you raise your kids as intuitive eaters
Let’s Get Started

Questions? Let’s Chat!


My mission is to give you the tools and the support that allow you to THRIVE and BLOOM.


Get in Touch